

Arkady Mitnik

I am incredibly grateful to Arkady for capturing such unforgettable moments at my concerts in the Netherlands.

Michael Weintrob

The photo session in his Nashville studio was the most creative and crazy one! Michael is a wonderful artist. Check out his Instrumenthead project

Valentín Gámiz

I love the vibe that Valentín created for this series of portraits in Córdoba

Yolanda Girón

What would we musicians do without the photographers who generously share their concert photos with us? A big thank you to Yolanda Girón for capturing these moments at the Jazz Festival concert in Plaza de Granada!”

Albiiru Muriel

Another shoutout to the amazing concert photographers! Thank you, Alba, for this shot taken at the Cádiz Jazz Festival!


Pictures at: Home

Mattias Norén

Mattias is a  magician of light. Some of his shots feel almost surreal… Am I even that woman? Be sure to check out his stunning cover artwork for progressive rock artists as well


Pictures at: Inhalo

Inspiration, fears, creativity

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Susana Raya with a playful expression, hand on her head, smiling as she enjoys a relaxed moment outdoors.